November 01, 2004

Happy Halloween!

**Warning: Severely depressing content that is a waste of time to read follows this message.**
I know that it's true. I'm a fairly emotional person. I cried during "Finding Nemo". But I'm very stable. And I have a wonderful loving family (minus my sis JK). What makes me really sad is the FACT that not everyone is as lucky as me and Mere are to have a loving family. How many people are raised in broken homes? It makes me want to cry. Why don't parents give their children love and support? What is wrong with them? Don't have children if you aren't going to love them! It pisses me off. It actually reminds me of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.... "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding." Ha! Name that song!!! I'll give you candy... (Mere you don't count) Ok now back to my pathetically sad tone. Retarded humans. Think before you impregnate. Not that it's entirely the guy's fault. The poor kids. My poor peers. Even my friends. It seems everybody's family is whacked up. Except for mine and I'm sure other normal people. Well I guess mine is messed up but not so dramatically. My mom and dad love each other and no one is contemplating suicide except the cat (or at least she should because i hate cleaning her vomit off my bed). I feel spoiled now. But I wish there was more love in the world. Ahh that reminds me of a Dixie Chick song. (I know you guys probably hate me for saying that...)

Now that I've gotten that out of my system... Report card day - sucked. English essay - royally sucked. Calculus homework - will suck in the future. Drama and high emotions and pissed off old friends - sucks. Sight reading in W.E. - teh roxors!!! Pizza at lunch - ok. No spit balls in law studies - rocks. Stat homework and review - ehhh, yuck. Probablity - major suckage. Overall Monday - ehh it sucked. Forecast for tomorrow - partly cloudy.

And now on to more interesting topics: Halloween. Yes I went trick-or-treating. This is my last year forever. It was fun. I coerced Mere into going and she dressed up as a Halloween slut. I don't know what I was exactly. I wore a Frankenstein mask. It was the best I could come up with in 10 minutes. I'll upload the pictures soon.

Top Ways to Keep Out Trick-or-Treaters that I actually encountered:
5. Liter your drive way with twigs and huge branches.
4. Leave an empty bowl at the foot of the driveway.
3. Let your vicious looking cat hide under your truck.
2. Sprinklers blocking the entrance.
1. Real humonguous spiders - authentic decorations.

Mere's Highlight of the Night: Our neighbor though I was a guy. And then he figured it out and said "Oh so you're a girl". And stupidly enough I said "exactly."

My Highlight of the Night: Visiting one of my teachers. This teacher gave me a B and that makes me mad. So I thought up a revenge scheme.... He really hates it when girls brush their hair in class. He will scream his head off at them. Keeping that in mind, here's how it went down:

Me: Trick-or-Treat. We've come to torture you. *whips out hair brush and waves it threateningly*
Him: Oh that's scary. Just don't brush your hair on my property.
Me: I take it you don't recongnize me.
Him: Not in that mask. See you Monday.

HAHAHA! How great was that?! It was weird. Today in class he mentioned that the one time he answered the door when his wife went to the bathroom he was visited by some students. Mere and I have awesome luck, don't we?

I'm starting to get more excited about band now that we're about done with marching season. Yay for jazz band starting tomorrow. Friday is going to rock - pep rally and senior night!! Woot! I think I'm going to play guitar in jazz band, but I'm scared.... In high school, every other person plays the guitar. And some people probably rock 50 trillion times more than I do. That worries me. I don't like sucking because I really do have talent. (ha that sounds conceited but it's true). I guess I better go finish restringing. Putting new strings on a Bigsby Vibrato is a real killer. I'm out.


At 11/03/2004 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart Gibby!:-D



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