ASVABific Day
yo. today was ASVAB day! yay. it was extremely simple. except for the last two sections, which consisted of ridiculuously stupid questions concerning car and wood working crap. i have no clue what any of those answers were. i don't even think i understood those questions. the other questions were fun! here's some samples of what you underclassmen have to look forward to:The word "use" most nearly means
a. unite
b. take advantage of
c. cure
d. help
if you guessed "B" i'd say you were born a friggen genius. if not, better luck next time. now on to the math section:
How many sides does a triangle have?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 2
if you guessed "D" then you have selected the correct answer for a triangle only consists of two sides: the inside and the outside. lol. ok. those were actual questions though. i'm kinda glad i didn't know the automotive questions because if that thing comes back and tells me i'd make a super auto mechanic i might just have to shoot myself.
monday was club day! that totally rocked! yay for NHS moving to fourth period! now i get to miss all of calc and go to all the Mu Alpha Theta. after school I took Dream, Mere, and Vicki to Buchanan. I filmed Dream's presentation and we all played Aquarius for the middle schoolers. those sixth graders are too cute.
time to go to church. i am so thankful that we didn't have band practice tonight. we have it about everyday for the next two weeks except today and Sunday. i wonder if i get to skip practice next Wednesday because of church. knowing Dell, probably not. oh speaking of the devil, (jk) Brian wrote a lovely poem the other day dedicated to Dell. it was really mean, but yet so comical. i really enjoyed it. Dell really is trying, but he doesn't realize that we actually have school which includes real homework and studying. well actually i don't do much of either but i still need time to sleep. ahhh sleep. i wish i could take a nap right now. that would be soooo lovely. yes indeedy. ok Jesus, here I come. (no that's not a suicidal remark lol) i'm out.
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