November 27, 2004

The Joys of Fun-ity

Sorry to update so soon again, but I just got finished pestering Mere and Vicki. Oh the joy of funity. At first they kicked me out because Mere was on the phone with... James. So I came back 20 mins later and here's pretty much how it went down:

Me: So what were you on the phone with James for?
Vicki: She was breaking up with him!
Me: Oh. I thought she already did that.
Mere: Marcy, he lied to my face!
Me: And you lied to my face too! You told us that you broke up with him before you went put-putting.
Mere: I did break up with him then. He just didn't know it yet.
Me: *ROFLMAO* So what happened? Did he cry? Did he jump for joy? No? Well then was he emotionless?
Mere: Pretty much. He said ok whatever.
Me: *dying of laughter* So if you didn't love/like him, then why did you go out with him for two months?
Mere: At first I thought I would grow to like him.

Ok I can't stop laughing now. Does anyone else find this hilarious? Going back and reading it, it really doesn't strike me as comical but it was. I guess you had to be there.

I was going to the kitchen to get some scissors when this gigantic, enormously humungous cockroach jumped out of nowhere! Penny, my kitty, was following me and saw the roach and went right into attack mode!! So I grabbed the cat because quite frankly I'm in no mood to clean up cockroach invested cat vomit. What else could I do but call for Mere and Vicki. Of course Mere wouldn't come, so Vicki took on the role of my knight in shining glittery armor. When she came out she said: "I read your blog Marcy - you aren't going to throw it at me are you?" Hahahaha. Help me people I'm dying of laughter. I think I need my inhaler!

Vicki's Quote-of-da-week (debuted in my profile):
Vicki: I'm sorry I can't give you a back massage. I have this thing where I can't touch people's backs or feet.
Me: Remember that time you bit my toe?
Vicki: Uh yeah, that was the younger me. I've changed now.

I should probably go to bed now. I know they are waiting for me to turn the lights and music off so they can go "secretly" raid the fridge. Night!

November 26, 2004

Desiring to Torture the Pesky Pests

Mere and Vicki just got back from Put-putting with Mark. Mere barges in here and asks me: "Did you have fun?" What was I supposed to say? Me: "Doing what?..." Sitting at my computer staring blankly at words on the screen? I think she could have said something to the effect of hi how are you and all that crap. She just wants me to be jealous about her social outings. It's just an excuse for her to make me ask her how much fun she had, which I would have asked her anyway. I know she will deny this so don't forget to look for her response in my comments section. Good news - she finally broke up with James Martinez! Two freaking months! Wow! I've been waiting for this for a few weeks now. Especially when she found out about his little lie concerning his virginity. I'm not sure when she broke up with him officially; it might have been today or yesterday. But in any event, she went out with Mark today. Twice. In one day. The day of or after breaking up. Wow somebody moves fast... Ok enough of my sister's love life, I have better things to blog about. Like for instance, ..., ...uh..., let me think.... There must be something.... Nooo... I guess not.

So Vicki is spending the night! YAY! They both are due for a little torture. Vicki scared the crap out of me today. Literally. I was going to the bathroom and she threw the door open really fast. What a pervert. Lol. I heart you Victoria. And Mere made me jump yesterday. So today it's payback time! Yes indeed. Maybe I show go find my Halloween mask. Or I could get a glass of water to throw. Or fake bugs. Or better yet, real bugs. Mere hates spiders. If I had the guts to pick one up, I totally would throw it at her. Maybe I can find some gloves. Daddy Long Legs are harmless right?

But you know what? I'm not really the kind of person who likes to get revenge. But this is all in jest. Just poking fun. It's my duty as a sister to pester. Know what I mean? Maybe not.

I should pretend to be a stalker or something. That would be sweet. But I've been there and done that. Help me out someone! I need ideas!

So shopping today went well. Got a lot of dressy stuff for law studies. Fun fun fun. Can't wait. Time to download illegal mp3s. Oh did I say that? I meant purchase mp3s. Ok no I didn't. So today I've downloaded Jimmy Eat World, Simple Plan, Franz Ferdinand, and The Chicago Soundtrack. I've got to stock up for that new iPod I would really really love to have. I asked my dad if I could have one for Christmas. Dad: "Sure you can have an iPod. You have money. Go buy one." My hopes are sinking. Come on Santa! I know you are out there!

My mom is mad at me. She's yelling at me and trying to guilt trip me into cleaning my room. Like that's going to happen. I'm am entirely content with living in a pig sty. Most teenagers are messy right? I hope. Who cares? My lack of organization is a testament to my rebellion against the perfectionistic views of society! Fine... I'll clean it.

Go read this awesome column by Dave Barry concerning ticking meat bombs of death and tofu. GGG read it to us in English. Good times. Over and out.

Ping Pong, Turkey, and Yams!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

How do you like the new layout? I made it really quickly. Just installed photoshop and I had to redownload all my favorite brushes. I'll admit it - I used a template and adjusted it to go with my good-looking banner. I like shortcuts. What's wrong with doing things the easy way? Some people have issues with things of this nature, but honestly, I don't care. This is only a minute part of my life I'm wasting with Blogger. As long as it looks good and the content is entertaining then I am cool.

Yay for sweet potatoes! I took lots of pictures but I'm too tired to post them. Lol. Yesterday Uncle Randy took our old hot tub so now we have more room to play ping pong! So today we had a Thanksgiving tournament! Mere kinda beat me... I was going easy on her. It was a warm up game. She didn't wanna play me after that. Don't worry, she didn't kill me too bad.

Today was only Day Two of my five day vacation and already I'm getting sick of my family. I need to get out and do something with people not related to me. Somebody call me please!

My mom informed me that I was going shopping with her tomorrow morning at seven and all I could say was: "AM?!?!" I really don't think she will be able to wake me up. This morning she finally got me up at 10:30 by singing Turkey Carols. Oh what fun that was! We sang Christmas carols about turkey. Yes I know, we are a nutty bunch. Oh for the love of nuts - I fed my squirrels today! Yay! I hope they enjoy.

Thank you Lord for all you have given me (including yams).
Thank you family and friends for being there for me and loving me.
Thank you squirrels for being so freaking adorable.

Hopefully I won't be caught dead at Sears tomorrow at 7am dragging my feet around in a sleepy daze. But I probably will. You know me - sure, ok, whatever, no problem. Yay for early Christmas shopping early in the morning! (Take me now Lord - save me from the frenzied crowds.) Okey Doke.

November 25, 2004

Hypocritical Whinning

It's raining pretty hard out now, which is quite odd considering it's been chilly out lately. I'm totally stoked that it's finally Thanksgiving break. I've been really looking forward to a vacation from school. My academic performance has taken a steep drop and turn for the worst lately and my grades prove it. I've had it up to here. Way too much stress. I think way too much. I really do. But hey, I'm human. Let's contemplate the meaning of life. It's gotta have something to do with thinking right? If we don't think, then we are just animals. Ok I should stop thinking soon.

I wish other people would think a tad more. It would make my life a lot better. And that's one of my life's goals: to make someone's life better. I haven't decided exactly what is better but it's better than what it is I guess.

I wish people were a little more thoughtful. I try to be. I'm not quite sure if I've completely failed in this regard but I have made several attempts. I know it takes being a friend to have a friend but lately I've felt like I'm the only one being the friend. Why am I wasting my time making sacrifices if the other person just thanks me and then totally does nothing to help me out? One sided friendships... Woe is me.

Ok enough with the crap. Tomorrow is going to rock even more than today did. Oooh I love you sweet potatoes. You will totally make my week tomorrow. You've got my flip flops rocking, if you know what I mean. Hahaha. I can't wait to start the rituals tomorrow: wake up to the smell of cinnamon rolls and smoked turkey and watch the parade, It's a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 32nd Street. Holidays rock. Any day with out high school rocks. Well maybe not. I'm not sure whether I like high school or not. I enjoy a lot of the people and the classes, but then again there are plenty of people and classes I don't care for. It's a toss up.

Yesterday Christine informed me that I now have a LiveJournal. I haven't really done anything to it yet but maybe I will. I don't know yet. I really do love my Blogger. But maybe I could dedicate my LiveJournal to the love of my life - squirrels. Speaking of, I thought it would be unfair for me to spend an entire day stuffing my face with sweet potatoes while my poor squirrelly friends starved and burried acorns, so I bought a huge five pound bag of sunflower seeds just for them! No birds allowed! We must give thanks and praise to our almighty squirelly friends for being so cute and devious.

My sister just barged in here and gave me a heart attack for the fourth time today! Ahhh! I'm going to kill her! Here's our coversation:

Mere: What do you call those thingies on a tree?
Me: Leaves?
Mere: On a Christmas tree?
Me: Those would be needles.
Mere: Thanks. I'm having an argument with someone about that. They said Christmas trees have leaves.
Me: Uhh sure. Next time tell me what kind of tree first.

Interesting huh? So at least now I know what my sister talks about at 2am every morning. You really should see her cell phone bills. Maybe I'll scan one one of theses days. Over a thousand minutes a month. Her longest call was 67 minutes. She averages about 250 calls a month. Isn't that nuts? She refuses to use our home phone. (Although that's because I like to eaves drop... Hey it's a blast. It really is.) Last time I went in her room she was talking to Mark. She wouldn't talk to me so I threatened to kill her computer. I alt-F4ed it. Needless to say she was pissed - mission accomplished.

That seems to be one of my many talents. Pissing people off. Why am I so good at it? Maybe it's because I've had so much practice on my sister. Maybe it's just me.

I feel like ranting. Let's talk about what's been pissing me off lately. For starters we can discuss LiveJornal and Xanga. Some people have absolutely nothing to write about and it really kills me. I may be boring but at least I throw in some humor (or I try). Some people literally give a complete synopsis of their entire day with no commentary whatsoever. Nap time. I'm sorry but it's true. They only write in it to be cool. Call me a hypocrite but I hope I don't put people to sleep. Hey I know I have repeat customers so I must be in business right? Now we can discuss or rather you can listen to me discuss, layouts. Horrible, disgusting, eye jerking, vomit inducing, stomach churning layouts. Hey mine's not the greatest but I've seen worse and several of them. How about grammer, spelling, and lack of imagination? Maybe I expect too much of LiveJournal/Xangaers. I'll admit I'm not perfect but I don't normal write like this:

yoyo houmies k pasa wut b up in da world? its gettin hott n hur holla if u b itchin 2 call. i woked up @ 3.30 n ated me sum appel jacks.

I'm not that bad. Am I? hehe. < / complaing like a baby > I can totally hear Stephen Nelder yelling at me in his Arnold impression: STOP WHINNING! Oh the good old days.

Ok time to go. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving because if you are lucky enough to have a computer with internet access to be reading this, then you have plenty to be thankful for. Thank you Lord for my DSL connection. Oh by the way, I reinstalled photoshop and Norton today! (Remember all those backflips I did when my computer decided to screw me over and f-ck up my life? I'm still in recovery...) So my new layout is coming soon! I swear! Any ideas or suggestions anyone? Peace to all and thanks to our Father.

November 22, 2004

Killing Goats Everywhere

Yo. I've been hearing some critism about my awesome layout. I'm really lazy so this is just a default layout made by some incredibly bored person with no life (that may sound like me but it's not.. well ok....). But I liked the colors so I kept it for a while. My sister seems to think it resembles the HP logo or colors or something, so over Thanksgiving break I will hopefully attempt to getting around to possibly thinking about making, if I can, maybe a new layout, or something, or maybe different colors, or use another layout, or.... Ok fine I'll start from scratch! My faithful four readers deserve nothing less!

Today was okay for a Monday. Tomorrow is Friday - WOOT! This past weekend was superduperly awesome minus the stat project. Friday I had softball practice which my sister didn't bother to go to. I've been hitting really well lately. I love my coaches. Coach John when I hit the ball to the fence: "Hey outfielder, can you get the number of that sign for me while you're out there?"

Saturday we had a family reunion on my dad's side. I got to see my cousin's 13 month old baby boy Tyler. He's adorable. His parents are in Puerto Rico at a wedding so my aunt and uncle were taking care of him. They used to take care of me before I went to preschool. Ahh the memories of watching General Hospital while my aunt did the laundry. She always thought I was asleep.

Sunday - church was awesome! Christine and Amanda came and sat with me!! That was fun! I get tired of sitting with my grandparents sometimes so the change was welcome. Wendi was going to sit with me but she had to usher. I played in a brass quintet which was fun and then I played guitar with our youth choir. Mere had a solo! Despite my years of teasing, she is really an amazing singer. Too bad no one took a picture of her. After church I gave Christine and Amanda the grand tour which was enjoyable. Then I went off to babysit for four hours... I love babysitting. Kids are so cute. Except when they invite their friends over and then instead of two kids, I'm now watching five but still getting paid for two. But hey I'm not greedy. Watching them makes me a better person. I have to watch myself so I set a good example. And while we are on that subject, I'll let you know about a little grilling I had on Saturday with my family reunion:

Apparently my away messages are not kid safe. My little cousin John told his mom that my away messages aren't appropriate for his little sister Kelly to read. Great. Wonderful. So my mom and all the other ladies were like: "Marcy! Why kind of bad words are you using?" Gee whiz! Cool it people! I didn't think I was that profane but I guess I am. To my 10 year old cousin "crap" is a bad word. It probably was to me at that age too. Why is he reading my away messages anyway? Looks like I'm going to have to be more careful of the words that slip out under my fingers. But give me a break - I am a teenager. F--- it.

So after I babysat and brought home my dough, I worked on my insanely long stat project. Today in class Curtis totally snapped at us. I get really scared when people go bonkers in a bad way. But who can blame her? She is pregnant. The magic excuse that makes up for everything. Club shirts Mrs. Curtis? - No, I'm pregnant. Grade the tests yet Mrs. Curtis? - No, I'm pregnant. Feeling biatchy today Mrs. Curtis? - Yes, I'm pregnant. Sometimes I wish I was pregnant. Feel like skipping school and failing all your tests today Marcy? - Hell yes, I'm pregnant! LoL. Oh how I love thee statistics.

Dear Calculus,
You suck. Why can't you be as easy and pointless as statistics? Why do you have to give us problems on the test that we don't know how to solve? If James and Nicole don't know the answer, can you really expect me to know either? I mean really - a tad bit of logic can go a long way. And statistics will back me up on that. Two tests in three days - have you lost your mind?
Neurotically Yours,

My dad's band played at the Magical Night of Giving at University Mall Sunday night. It was a blast! My mom and I went to New York and Company and I bought a shirt, two pairs of pants, and a skirt for 73 bucks! It was worth at least $140, so I thought we had a good deal. I get to wear some of that stuff to school the week after Thanksgiving because I am a defense attorney! Woot! One pair of pants normally cost $40; we got them for $17.50! Oh shopping - you are a superb American pasttime. Vicki came with us and spent the night. She and Mere came in my room and sucessfully distracted me from doing my stat project til 1 am. They had fun reading over my shoulder while I was in a chatroom entitled "Kill Goat" which was dedicated to discussing all the imaginable ways of killing our favorite teacher. I couldn't stop laughing for hours. Good times.

November 16, 2004

Haywired Allergies

I'm insanely tired today. I nearly fell alseep in every class. Tomorrow is going to be so much worse. Tomorrow will be the busiest day of the entire week for me. This sucks. Ahhh. Last night my allergies started going haywire on me! I felt so horrible so I took an Actifed along with my daily Zyrtec and Singulair. That probably wasn't the brightest idea but it worked a tad. But it made me really drowsy for the whole day. I still feel like crap though. Jazz band was definitely the highlight of my day. I totally kicked booty! I was the only guitar and I sat in the very front so everyone could hear me. I rocked. So did Dreamboat. I could hear her a lot better today which was sweet because she had some really tight improvisations going on.

Other highlights of today include: One Tree Hill, softball practice, my afternoon nap, sleeping in almost every class, getting a note from Christine, not doing the Mix It Up at lunch yet wearing the gay yarn, getting compliments on my awesomely cool shoes, and wearing Teigen's stellar bracelet around the whole day.

So plans for tomorrow that totally suck glutius maximus are as follows: English timed writing, calc quiz, stat quiz, hour and a half W.E. brass rehearsal, hour instrument rehearsal at church, and helping out with the Great American Teach-In. I really wish they would make an AP Nap class. I would so totally be the teacher. I would without a doubt get a 5 on the ap exam for that! Speaking of 5s.... That's my goal for this year - to make a 5 on an ap exam. It's not too likely that I will make one for English and definitely not calc, but there is a possibility for stats. At least I hope. I will have confidence. All that stat crap is pretty easy. Except for probability. That takes way too much thinking for me.

Speaking of stats, Mrs. Curtis makes me sad. She won't let us have club shirts. Oh do us all a favor and cry a river, build a bridge and jump off of it! And take your gosh-darned quizes with you! Ok so maybe that's a tad harsh. She's a cool person. She's one of my all time favorite teachers. But she's very stubborn. It's ok though. I'm cool with it. They are just shirts. Oh well. Dream and I are thinking of making unofficial club shirts. RoXoRnEs5!1!!11!

So I should probably go take a shower and start some homework (cough cough like I do homework). Actually I do for calc and stats. Those are kinda sorta my only classes in a way that have homework. I have a lot of stupid classes this year which is sweet: TA, band, and law. Then I have English which all we ever do is read. And then calc and stats. This year worked out quite nicely for me huh?

Everyday calculus gets more and more insane. I'm wondering when I should pull the plug and get the heck out of there. We move so fast; it's incredible. It's really amazing that I presently have a 90% in there. I wish I could take some points of my 101.07% stat average and give them to my calc average. I spend way more time doing calculus. It's unbelievable how I don't do as well. Maybe Marcy's Theorem, Collary 2 is correct.

Marcy's Theorem, Collary 2:
The more one studies, the worse one's grade point average ends up.

Ok I really should stop being a complete freak right about now, but I won't. I want to personally thank Christine LlamaLover for leaving the coolest comment that I've ever ever ever seen on my last post:

"*comment*comment*comment* etc, etc "

Why wasn't I born that genius?

Sometimes I wish Kajannae would stop bumming rides off me. She's cool and all, but do I look like a taxi driver? (Mere don't answer that). I'm too easy. How do you say no to a black person anyways? Nizzle fo shizzle? Good times. I guess I don't mind. Sometimes I enjoy complaining. It's good to get it over with online so you don't have to hear it all in real life (considering I talk to you whoever you are...) (by the way, who are you?) Dream and Christine are practically the only ones who comment but I know a lot more people read this than those two. Ok I'm tired fo sho. L8r plAyA. (Don't I just exude ghettoness?)

November 13, 2004

Argh Matey! I'm a eBook Pirate!

I woke up super early today - 8:45am! Holy Moo! Anchor did some volunteer work at the old folks home by the new library. We spent a few hours organizing a library full of reader's digest books and dirty romance novels. There were some classics in there too - Twain, Grisham, Steinbeck, but no J. K. Rowling or Tolkien. Do they know what they are missing?! I was suprised that my allergies weren't bothered from all the dust. I did start to feel nausteous from the old foggy smell in the bingo hall. It brings back memories of visiting my greatgrandmother as a kid. I really hated it. It always smelled. She kind of lost her mind at 97 and my mom says that's why she slapped me a couple times. I really really hated the.... elevator. I don't talk about this much but when I was a child I was fairly clausterphobic. I absolutely could not stand elevators, bathroom doors, and enclosed stairways. They totally freaked me out till I screamed bloody murder. But I'm cool now. I even lock the door when I go to the bathroom now. Okkk too much info... So Anchor was a blast. I absolutely love every person in that club (even though half of them were too lame to bother showing up...).

Dream and I stopped at Checkers again and this time she didn't have five chili cheeseburgers. I'm severely disappointed in her settlement for the spicy chicken parmasean combo. Go check out the awesome comment I left in her LJ people! That's an order! And then we went to Book Swap. Can you believe this - it cost me $25 for two freaking books?!?!?!1111!11!! What happened to the usual $3.95 America, $4.95 Canada? Stupid book makers. I mean come on - who cares if we pirate eBooks? No one reads them because they kill your eyes! So Dream and I had an awesome time. Sitting in the car, eating Checkers, and talking about deep subjects is starting to become a habit for us. Roxorness.

So are you guys out there pissed at my recent addiction to incredibly and insanely long and pointless blog entries? I've been reading a ton of random blogs lately and I must say I do tend to ramble compared to others. But hey enough with the judgements! I am who I am and I'll type what I please. Here we go again, lyrics:

"I'm free to be whatever I / Whatever I choose / And I'll sing the blues if I want / I'm free to say whatever I / Whatever I like / If it's wrong or right it's alright" -- Oasis - Whatever

Hilarious-Yet-True-Story-Worth-Typing-Up-For-A-Pointless-Blog of the Day:
Before I started reading "A Farewell to Arms" I asked my family what it was about during lunch one day. My mom had read it a long time ago and my sister had read it for her class but she only really read the SparkNotes.
Me: So what's this book about anyways?
Mere: I think it's about this soldier who falls in love with his nurse when he gets wounded.
Mom: Yeah. He got shot in the arms and had to have them amputated.
Mere: Really?! Uh-oh! I don't remember that from SparkNotes!
Mom: You didn't know he lost his arms? That's where the title comes from! It's a farewell to both arms!

Ok so Frederic Henry really didn't lose his arms, but I nearly died from carpet burns from rolling on the floor laughing. Maybe you had to be there. I really need to get busy and start filling out college applications. I know I'm such a procrastinator.

Random fact: my name backwards is "ycram nodrog". How awesome is that? Y cram? Because I can!

Guess what? I'm defense attorney in law studies! Woo! Girls (defense) vs. Guys (state). We girls are so totally going to kick booty! Except that all the evidence points against us. BUT I talked to Sweeney today and she let me in on some stuff... She was a prosecuting attorney for the same case her sophmore year and she lost it! So there is hope for me! And how nice it was of her to let me in on some strategies employed by the winning defense team led by Zach Spitolnick. This is going to be fun! It is kind of sad because Mike is a prosecuting attorney and now I can't talk to him! He was spying on me Kasey and last Friday. Kasey is going to be gone for an entire week so I get to do all his work for him. If I pull this off, it will be a miracle!

Ahhh, how I love you weekends. One day of complete bliss left. Then it's back to prison. Until then I'll be smoking babies, making pot and munching on my brown sugar cinnamon poptarts. Later.

Want Some Fries with Those Five Chili Cheeseburgers?

Wow. Another week gone by. Is this a good thing you ask? I'm not entirely sure. I haven't decided yet. I'm sick of high school but I don't want to move on with my life just yet. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. Well I have some idea... I know that I will love and be loved and work for the embetterment of mankind. I may not be the next Eleanor Roosevelt or even someone's favorite high school teacher but I WILL be someone and I WILL make a positive difference in everyones' life that I can. That's my life goal. At least I think. Why else were we put here on earth? To hate each other? I hope not. I may not have all the answers, but at least I'm making an attempt to look for them.

Ok enough already with the philosophical crap. So today was pretty good (except for the surprise essay in English). It was kind of like Monday and Friday at the same time. Wednesday which was more like Friday was super awesome. Tuesday too. Tuesday I had jazz band which rocked except that this other guy came to play guitar. And at first I was scared because he was kind of bigheaded about his guitar skills. But it turns out that he sucks (no offense if you happen to read this - I love you anyways). So this guy can't even read music, let alone use a tuner. Poor guy. Why do guys always act so arrogant? Heaven only knows. After that ordeal I gave Dream and Kajannae a ride home. Dream wanted to go to Checkers so I gave in. She ordered 5 chili cheeseburgers. Five. Did you hear that? FIVE! I thought she was kidding. But she really really wasn't. She ate two or three of them in the car. Ahhh Dreamboat, you're killing me!

Wednesday after school I tutored for Mu Alpha Theta. Christine was supposed to come, but she didn't show. Silly llama. It didn't go too bad. I didn't realize that I do so much math unconciously. After that I went to go see about getting my stamps and I ended up having a fairly entertaining conversation with Mrs. Curtis. I know a lot of you out there have some issues with her and maybe her class is a smidge boring, but she really is a remarkably comical person. Although she did accuse me of having the Eyore Complex... So what if I lack self-confidence? I like myself the way I am. I especially like the fact that I have a 101.07% average in her class. That is definitely by far a record for me. I wish all my progress reports looked as pretty as my stat one does. I have a whole list of 100s and then 3 99s and 2 104s. Sometimes I wonder how the hell that happened. But then here I go again doubting my abilities (thanks a lot Curtis). In other news, church and ensemble rehearsal went well. Then I went to visit my grandparents and then I watched the O.C. It is so nice to see that show again. I really missed it.

Thursday was no school. What did I do? I don't recall. Slept til 2 probably. Oh yeah, we went to BlockBuster. Yay for Shrek 2 and Stepford Wives! And finally we have a synopsis of today. Nothing too exciting to write about. Just your average run of the mill Friday. It's 2am now and I've been working dilligently on a new mix. Jeff let me borrow GarageBand and I must say - it is teh roxors mucho!!

Just for the heck of it and partially because I'm currently dying of boredom, I searched for myself on the net. Google didn't turn up much but with other search engines I had some sucess. I actually found a newspaper article with my name in it that I had no clue existed. This one's for all you math lovers: .

I've just recently become addicted to a new vast wealty source of knowledge: . That site is awesome and I know I will spend a good part of my life reading it, but really what's more important: reading about how things work or actually living life away from a computer and making your own things? I will have to look into that answer. Google here I come.

I've been listening to this song while posting. Third Eye Blind used to be one of my favorite bands. They've faded away. How's It going to be?

I'm only pretty sure that I can't take anymore
Before you take a swing I wonder what are we fighting for?
When I say out loud I want to get out of this
I wonder Is there anything I'm going to miss?
I wonder How it's going to be when you don't know me?
How's it going to be when you're sure I'm not there?
How's it going to be when there is no one to talk to?
Between you and me cause I don't care
How's it going to be?
Where we used to laugh there's a shouting match
Sharp as a thumbnail scratch, a silence I can't ignore
Like the hammocks by the doorway we spent time in
Swings empty, don't see lightning like last fall when it was always about to hit me
I wonder how's it going to be when it goes down?
Hows it going to be when your not around?
Hows it going to be when you found out there was nothing between you and me?
Cause I don't care
How's it going to be when you don't know me any more?
And how's it going to be?
Want to get myself back in again
The soft dive of oblivion
Wanna taste the soul of your skin
The soft dive of oblivion
How's it going to be when you don't know me any more?
How's it going to be?
How's it going to be?

November 06, 2004

The Best Day of My Life So Far

Wow today was the best day of my entire life so far. There were a few low points but the goods definitely make today really stellar. Today just kept getting better and better. I've reached my euphoria.

School: not too bad. Dell let me use his computer and I got to sit in his comfy chair. English - boring movie, but hey, it was a movie. Quite a rarity these days. Calculus was particularly sucky. I did the homework wrong and I'm glad she finally taught it to us after the fact. I'm not too sure I understood everything because I was so dead tired this morning. It was cold and I had my hoodie... I just closed my eyes for a second and then I came to my senses frantically fearing her lectures and yellings. After that all I had was band for the next 4 hours which is the next topic(and then for 6 more hours at the game).

Pep Rally: teh roxors mucho. It wasn't all that exciting. Nothing particularly humorous but we euphs had fun laughing at "people" (cough mostly cheerleaders). We've definitely had better and funner pep rallies but it was definitely exciting to actually have one. I really enjoyed not having sixth and seventh periods. No law studies or stats! I missed Michael in law studies! But no quiz rocked and no stat work or notes totally rocks my flip flops despite the insane amount of stat work I have to do this weekend (if I get around to it).

Football Game: Senior night rocked!! My last football game in the GHS marching band forever. Forever. Yes it's touching. I've never had such a wonderful time in my whole life! Everybody was giving me hugs and telling me they love me and will miss me. I hope they don't forget me. I will never forget this night and all the people I shared it with. Being a marching cowboy has truly been an awesome and life changing experience. Here's some highlights of the night:

The seniors got to walk through the tunnel with our parental escorts and then we got to play in the front with our hats off. Later we got to lead the lines inside. Kajannae and Jessica put their arms around me and we all hugged during the F tuning sequence until Mr. Dick yelled at us. Jessica decided I should take Taylor to prom. LoL. He's my backup plan for sure! I heart you Taylor! The tubas poured two bottles of water into Kajannae's horn when she left to use the bathroom. When she got back I could hardly keep myself from wetting my pants! It was so awesome to see her scream her head off! She opened her spit valve and it just poured out! There was so much water that it came back up through her mouthpiece. It was like Niagara Falls!! I remember when I was a freshman and they always poured water in my horn. So we did it to our freshie Jessica too. The euphs did a ton of horn movements which was fun. And we danced to every single song! We did suicide four times! I thoroughly enjoyed it for the very last time. Ahh the memories. The Starette moms dressed up and a did a dance for us. And the some band parents dressed in overlays went down and did suicide! The jumbo haulers dressed up in wigs and skirts and pretended to be the drum majors!! Those pictures are going to be priceless!At the end, the seniors came down and we sang the alma mater and swayed. It was quite strange to sing and listen to the band. I stood next to Eddie and Ryan and we did some fun stuff with our feet while we were waiting. What craziness! Marching in we did all sorts of fun marching stuff - swinging our horns, ghetto limp, and spins. These are the simple little things I will remember and look back on and think "wow I love my life". (Speaking of thinking, Mrs. Brand drew a thought bubble on the board today. It's official - she has way too much fun with rhetorical questions and chalk.)

The After Party: Kajannae hopped in my car and we went to Steak n' Shake at 11:30 to meet with Christine. Her sister and her boyfriend were there as well as a ton of other band people. Half the building was filled with our blue band shirts. I had some cheese fries! Yum! Kajannae got free soda on the house! You gotta love her ghettoness! I had a lot of fun talking with Christine and Amanda and Patrick. Patrick loves cheese fries so much that he took a picture of me eating them! I don't even know him! Christine left me for a while to take Faith home, but she came back! In the car Kajannae was trying to teach me how to be ghetto and dance like a black person. Yeah, it was unsuccessful. haha. What do you expect from a white girl?!

Euphoria: After I dropped off Ragin' Kajun I put the top down and blasted my favorite songs as I drove home. I love the way the wind rushes in my hair. My sister and I don't usually get along too well in the car, but she went home with someone else so I was thrilled. I love to stick my hand outside and feel the wind pressure. It was awfully cold so as I was taking those sharp curves on Van Dyke at 50 mph I was trying to pull on a hoodie from the backseat. It was somewhat of an adrenaline rush to not see where I was driving. But it felt so good outside. Every once in a while I would take my eyes off the road and just look up at the sky above me. It is so beautiful up there. The stars are truly a work of art that never ceased to amaze me. When I look up at them while I'm cruising around, I feel so peaceful and at one with the world. Like maybe there is someone out there looking at the same star who will love me someday. I hope he doesn't wait too long. So I was just enjoying the scenery, the weather, the stars, and the music and I just couldn't bring myself to go home. So it was a little after midnight and I just drove up and down US41 for a while enjoying life. It was kinda nice to be alone. It gave me some time to mediate on all the emotions I'm feeling right now being a senior.

Well now here I am. I'm really going to miss marching band and all my friends. I hate goodbyes. I came so close to crying. I might just go do that now. I need a catharsis (darn you ggg for all the vocab!). This night has really meant a lot to me and I feel like it was an awesome ending to my years of marching band. I've given so much time and effort through the years and it's all paid off. I really wish I wasn't so old. Maybe 17 isn't really all that old, but it sure feels like it. And I'd give anything to go back in time and enjoy marching more. I didn't realize how much I took it for granted. I know my horn was super heavy and it caused me great back pains but all in all it was the experience of a lifetime and I won't trade these memories for anything. No regrets. It's amazing that I survived and did well at something most Gaither students (even some smart ones) are incapable of.

Dear band, keep on doing what you're doing. Don't ever forget your one and only senior low brass player of '05. Remember what I've taught you and repeat all my jokes and traditions with the future freshmen. Rock on without me. I love you guys.
Yours Truly, ~Marcy~ :-)

November 04, 2004

Hungry for a Ghetto Cake Laced with Dope?

Ahhh what a horrible-no-good-very-very-bad-day. You probably don't wanna hear much about it. But sometimes you've gotta suck it up and roll with the punches and depressing blog entries.

Today's List of Ewww-that-really-sucked-big-time:

  • Calculus test on integrals of infinite and finite sums, Riemann sums, and my favorite - The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus!!!!
  • Stat test on uhhh stuff, I think.... I'm not really all that passionate about setting up experiments. I guess it is cool to analyze bias in observational studies. I mean cool if you are a geek like me. I hope the grading curve is extra generous this time.
  • A ton of Calc homework where we get to teach our selves and then find out how we were supposed to do those fifty odd problems after we turn it in.
  • A ton of Stat work I can ignore until 2:30 am Monday.
  • Trumpets in wind ensemble couldn't sight read half notes. Dell got pissed and let us out early. Usually Dell holds us over and doesn't release the seniors on time. As you are probably aware, I'm not too fond of lunch lines... Anyway, yesterday Dell held us until after the bell and it made me go off the edge!! So I brought my lunch today. Today - the one day he lets us out early. What luck I have.
  • Band practice tonight. I can tell you already that it will suck. Especially because it's my last forever. Shall I cry or jump for joy? I'm not sure.

But let's look on the bright side: tomorrow we have our first PEP RALLY! YAY!!!!! Me=happy! And it's senior night! I hope my dad gets home from his business trip in time to walk me down the tunnel!

Here's what I do when I'm bored in Calculus:

limit of calc work as t approaches 5th period = sucks to the infinite power (that's right folks I actually calculated how much suckage calc really has) (ok it's a joke - i heart you math)

My freshie euph, Jessica wants to have cake at our sectional which is nonexistent.

Jessica: you should bring a cake or something :-D
Me: i'm broke
Jessica: what about ragin kajun? (Kajannae my sophie)
Me: she's more broke than you and me put together
Jessica: yeah but she could steal a cake for us from the ghetto
Me: haha! cake from the ghetto? it'd probably be laced with dope or something

Ok I'm tired. Enjoy your night. I know I won't. Yay for Friday being only 6 hours and 43 minutes away!

November 01, 2004

Happy Halloween!

**Warning: Severely depressing content that is a waste of time to read follows this message.**
I know that it's true. I'm a fairly emotional person. I cried during "Finding Nemo". But I'm very stable. And I have a wonderful loving family (minus my sis JK). What makes me really sad is the FACT that not everyone is as lucky as me and Mere are to have a loving family. How many people are raised in broken homes? It makes me want to cry. Why don't parents give their children love and support? What is wrong with them? Don't have children if you aren't going to love them! It pisses me off. It actually reminds me of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.... "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding." Ha! Name that song!!! I'll give you candy... (Mere you don't count) Ok now back to my pathetically sad tone. Retarded humans. Think before you impregnate. Not that it's entirely the guy's fault. The poor kids. My poor peers. Even my friends. It seems everybody's family is whacked up. Except for mine and I'm sure other normal people. Well I guess mine is messed up but not so dramatically. My mom and dad love each other and no one is contemplating suicide except the cat (or at least she should because i hate cleaning her vomit off my bed). I feel spoiled now. But I wish there was more love in the world. Ahh that reminds me of a Dixie Chick song. (I know you guys probably hate me for saying that...)

Now that I've gotten that out of my system... Report card day - sucked. English essay - royally sucked. Calculus homework - will suck in the future. Drama and high emotions and pissed off old friends - sucks. Sight reading in W.E. - teh roxors!!! Pizza at lunch - ok. No spit balls in law studies - rocks. Stat homework and review - ehhh, yuck. Probablity - major suckage. Overall Monday - ehh it sucked. Forecast for tomorrow - partly cloudy.

And now on to more interesting topics: Halloween. Yes I went trick-or-treating. This is my last year forever. It was fun. I coerced Mere into going and she dressed up as a Halloween slut. I don't know what I was exactly. I wore a Frankenstein mask. It was the best I could come up with in 10 minutes. I'll upload the pictures soon.

Top Ways to Keep Out Trick-or-Treaters that I actually encountered:
5. Liter your drive way with twigs and huge branches.
4. Leave an empty bowl at the foot of the driveway.
3. Let your vicious looking cat hide under your truck.
2. Sprinklers blocking the entrance.
1. Real humonguous spiders - authentic decorations.

Mere's Highlight of the Night: Our neighbor though I was a guy. And then he figured it out and said "Oh so you're a girl". And stupidly enough I said "exactly."

My Highlight of the Night: Visiting one of my teachers. This teacher gave me a B and that makes me mad. So I thought up a revenge scheme.... He really hates it when girls brush their hair in class. He will scream his head off at them. Keeping that in mind, here's how it went down:

Me: Trick-or-Treat. We've come to torture you. *whips out hair brush and waves it threateningly*
Him: Oh that's scary. Just don't brush your hair on my property.
Me: I take it you don't recongnize me.
Him: Not in that mask. See you Monday.

HAHAHA! How great was that?! It was weird. Today in class he mentioned that the one time he answered the door when his wife went to the bathroom he was visited by some students. Mere and I have awesome luck, don't we?

I'm starting to get more excited about band now that we're about done with marching season. Yay for jazz band starting tomorrow. Friday is going to rock - pep rally and senior night!! Woot! I think I'm going to play guitar in jazz band, but I'm scared.... In high school, every other person plays the guitar. And some people probably rock 50 trillion times more than I do. That worries me. I don't like sucking because I really do have talent. (ha that sounds conceited but it's true). I guess I better go finish restringing. Putting new strings on a Bigsby Vibrato is a real killer. I'm out.