Ping Pong, Turkey, and Yams!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!How do you like the new layout? I made it really quickly. Just installed photoshop and I had to redownload all my favorite brushes. I'll admit it - I used a template and adjusted it to go with my good-looking banner. I like shortcuts. What's wrong with doing things the easy way? Some people have issues with things of this nature, but honestly, I don't care. This is only a minute part of my life I'm wasting with Blogger. As long as it looks good and the content is entertaining then I am cool.
Yay for sweet potatoes! I took lots of pictures but I'm too tired to post them. Lol. Yesterday Uncle Randy took our old hot tub so now we have more room to play ping pong! So today we had a Thanksgiving tournament! Mere kinda beat me... I was going easy on her. It was a warm up game. She didn't wanna play me after that. Don't worry, she didn't kill me too bad.
Today was only Day Two of my five day vacation and already I'm getting sick of my family. I need to get out and do something with people not related to me. Somebody call me please!
My mom informed me that I was going shopping with her tomorrow morning at seven and all I could say was: "AM?!?!" I really don't think she will be able to wake me up. This morning she finally got me up at 10:30 by singing Turkey Carols. Oh what fun that was! We sang Christmas carols about turkey. Yes I know, we are a nutty bunch. Oh for the love of nuts - I fed my squirrels today! Yay! I hope they enjoy.
Thank you Lord for all you have given me (including yams).
Thank you family and friends for being there for me and loving me.
Thank you squirrels for being so freaking adorable.
Hopefully I won't be caught dead at Sears tomorrow at 7am dragging my feet around in a sleepy daze. But I probably will. You know me - sure, ok, whatever, no problem. Yay for early Christmas shopping early in the morning! (Take me now Lord - save me from the frenzied crowds.) Okey Doke.
Marcyish eh? Sounds like a cool word if I've ever heard one! Thanks.
Sorry I left out the llama part on my thank you list.
Oh by the way, I didn't go shopping a seven! My mom came back for me around one!
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