November 16, 2004

Haywired Allergies

I'm insanely tired today. I nearly fell alseep in every class. Tomorrow is going to be so much worse. Tomorrow will be the busiest day of the entire week for me. This sucks. Ahhh. Last night my allergies started going haywire on me! I felt so horrible so I took an Actifed along with my daily Zyrtec and Singulair. That probably wasn't the brightest idea but it worked a tad. But it made me really drowsy for the whole day. I still feel like crap though. Jazz band was definitely the highlight of my day. I totally kicked booty! I was the only guitar and I sat in the very front so everyone could hear me. I rocked. So did Dreamboat. I could hear her a lot better today which was sweet because she had some really tight improvisations going on.

Other highlights of today include: One Tree Hill, softball practice, my afternoon nap, sleeping in almost every class, getting a note from Christine, not doing the Mix It Up at lunch yet wearing the gay yarn, getting compliments on my awesomely cool shoes, and wearing Teigen's stellar bracelet around the whole day.

So plans for tomorrow that totally suck glutius maximus are as follows: English timed writing, calc quiz, stat quiz, hour and a half W.E. brass rehearsal, hour instrument rehearsal at church, and helping out with the Great American Teach-In. I really wish they would make an AP Nap class. I would so totally be the teacher. I would without a doubt get a 5 on the ap exam for that! Speaking of 5s.... That's my goal for this year - to make a 5 on an ap exam. It's not too likely that I will make one for English and definitely not calc, but there is a possibility for stats. At least I hope. I will have confidence. All that stat crap is pretty easy. Except for probability. That takes way too much thinking for me.

Speaking of stats, Mrs. Curtis makes me sad. She won't let us have club shirts. Oh do us all a favor and cry a river, build a bridge and jump off of it! And take your gosh-darned quizes with you! Ok so maybe that's a tad harsh. She's a cool person. She's one of my all time favorite teachers. But she's very stubborn. It's ok though. I'm cool with it. They are just shirts. Oh well. Dream and I are thinking of making unofficial club shirts. RoXoRnEs5!1!!11!

So I should probably go take a shower and start some homework (cough cough like I do homework). Actually I do for calc and stats. Those are kinda sorta my only classes in a way that have homework. I have a lot of stupid classes this year which is sweet: TA, band, and law. Then I have English which all we ever do is read. And then calc and stats. This year worked out quite nicely for me huh?

Everyday calculus gets more and more insane. I'm wondering when I should pull the plug and get the heck out of there. We move so fast; it's incredible. It's really amazing that I presently have a 90% in there. I wish I could take some points of my 101.07% stat average and give them to my calc average. I spend way more time doing calculus. It's unbelievable how I don't do as well. Maybe Marcy's Theorem, Collary 2 is correct.

Marcy's Theorem, Collary 2:
The more one studies, the worse one's grade point average ends up.

Ok I really should stop being a complete freak right about now, but I won't. I want to personally thank Christine LlamaLover for leaving the coolest comment that I've ever ever ever seen on my last post:

"*comment*comment*comment* etc, etc "

Why wasn't I born that genius?

Sometimes I wish Kajannae would stop bumming rides off me. She's cool and all, but do I look like a taxi driver? (Mere don't answer that). I'm too easy. How do you say no to a black person anyways? Nizzle fo shizzle? Good times. I guess I don't mind. Sometimes I enjoy complaining. It's good to get it over with online so you don't have to hear it all in real life (considering I talk to you whoever you are...) (by the way, who are you?) Dream and Christine are practically the only ones who comment but I know a lot more people read this than those two. Ok I'm tired fo sho. L8r plAyA. (Don't I just exude ghettoness?)


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