February 15, 2006

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

MWF my first class is at 10. So I try to leave the house by 9:15. I set three different alarm clocks - 8, 8:15, 8:30. For some reason, I turn them all off and go back to sleep. Go figure. I have slept through a day of classes once but I usually wake up by 9 and then rush around to leave at 9:15. And now to the point: during this extra half hour of sleep, I dream and remember it.

Today's dream was freaky. Muy freako. I was me but Harry Potter. And my dad was Lord Voldemort but he was wearing Darth Vader's helmet. My dad was trying to kill me. Yeeeah. Our house was five stories. And I went to the top floor and looked down from the balcony. On the bottom floor there were like 50 preschoolers wearing orange shirts. They were mimicking my every move. Something along the lines of Simon Says I guess. Then my dad found me up there and we dueled. And I woke up thinking I was dying. Not the greatest beginning to a day.

Told ya it was freaky.

The week after I saw Brokeback Mountain I dreamed my friend was gay. Later that day I found out that this friend is bi. Now that is freaky. So if I die tonight, I guess we'll know who did it. >_>

My Valentines day went surprisingly well. Perhaps there is hope for me yet. I actually wrote a love song yesterday which is strange. Usually I write songs about God and the evil things people do to me and how terrible high school was. But I've ODed on SoCo's Konstantine which is the most incredible song despite it being 10 freaking minutes. If I get bored tonight I think I might record my love song.

All it's about is just being with the one you love and the feeling that you get when you're alone together in the dark. Something I'd really like right about now. *sigh* Ehh we've all got a little emo kid hiding in us somewhere. -_\\ Mine just doesn't care much for hiding.

Ladies and gentlemun I would like to apologize for de use of da anime emoticons. The majority of my USF friends are anime addicts. I'm slowly being corrupted. >_<


At 2/16/2006 5:00 PM, Blogger Dream said...

"Today's dream was freaky. Muy freako. I was me but Harry Potter. And my dad was Lord Voldemort but he was wearing Darth Vader's helmet. My dad was trying to kill me. Yeeeah. Our house was five stories. And I went to the top floor and looked down from the balcony. On the bottom floor there were like 50 preschoolers wearing orange shirts. They were mimicking my every move. Something along the lines of Simon Says I guess. Then my dad found me up there and we dueled. And I woke up thinking I was dying. Not the greatest beginning to a day."

Oh man that was great. I laughed out loud.

You write songs about the evil things people do to you and how terrible high school was? Cheer up emo kid.

What's up with everyone using Asian smileys. -_-?

At 2/18/2006 4:58 AM, Blogger Aleia said...

anime emoticons r0kz0rz!! XP Welcome to the dark side...or something.


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