THANK GOD IT'S A FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!well the wrath of Frances has lost it fury now and it's safe to insult her since she's probably 50 miles away right about now. she wasn't really nice to us, you know. well except for the five day weekend part.
she hit us on Sunday, so we didn't go to church, although i heard 30 people went out of a couple hundred. my family stayed home and we watched "The Passion of the Christ" which i thought was appropriate. towards the end, during the cruxifiction scene where Jesus was poked at to confirm his death, right when blood was spurting out, the power went off! it came back on, but ten minutes after the movie the power went off for good.
there are only a few things i hate about no power:
- No A/C!!! - i thought i was going to melt!
- No Computer!!! - i thought my brain was going to turn to mush!
- No Light!!! - can't a girl try to be productive and do some homework? by candle light? that's nuts
- No Alarm System!!! - we've been robbed before and it's scary to sleep with the windows and doors open b/c it was so hot.
well it wasn't the end of the world. and the power came on around two in the morning. one friend didn't get her power til five yesterday night! i found out today that many more of my friends are still without power as i blog. man it sure will suck to restock those refriderators!!
damage-wise things were minor. our pool basketball hoop is broken - the wind caused the metal attached to the base to weaken and it fell flat into the pool. the solar panels on our roof were also destroyed - three panels were ripped off completed and landed in the bushes and the rest slid down the roof and got suck on a vent.
our MAJOR problem was/still is... flooding! we live on an acre of land on a 60 acre lake and the lake is now half way up our backyard. we have well water and a septic tank and so we've had problems... when ever we get a lot of rain we get these problems so imagine how complictated it is after ~13 inches of rain fell!! needless to say we went to my grandma's to shower, cook, and go to the bathroom. we couldn't even risk flushing b/c things back up and come back up through the showers, toliets, and sinks. trust me. not too long ago i got a total makeover of my room from a flooded toliet.
we are just happy to be alive and well. to those that aren't, i am sorry. and to those who won't be soon, good luck. well, i've waited five days now, so maybe now would be a good time to start my homework.... ahh what the heck, a few more hours never hurt anyone!
I don't have any homework, but I have a crapload of essays/tests that I should prepare myself for.
I have all my homework done, but I have a crapload of essays/tests that I should prepare myself for.
And I thought the comment didn't get posted, so I did it again. Apparently it was posted, so there, you look popular now.
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