February 10, 2005

Almost Friday... So Close...

Ahh another day gone by. I've been having a ton of bad days lately. School isn't very much fun anymore. Actually I'm having a hard time remembering when it ever really was. But I think it was at one point. Things are just so rushed and stressful. I need a vacation. I need a senior day. And soon. Perhaps next week, considering today is Thursday and Fridays typically rock fairly hard. Why do I bother caring? I know I shouldn't. I don't really. But I do. It's like I've created the perfect balance of apathy and success. Well I guess it needs a few tweaks... Three hours of sleep a night isn't working too well for me.

Does anyone even read this anymore? I know I don't post often but do you think that means it's ok for you to slack off and not leave a comment? I don't think so!!

Progress report day today. Still unaware of my progress. Lets see. TA - 100% no suprise there. English - no flippin clue, likely not an A. Calculus - YAY!! I have a 9freaking2freaking.2freaking6freaking%!! (92.26%)!!!!! The math gods smile down upon my fallible soul. I wonder what Dreamboat has... lol. Band - blah. Hopefully an A. I know I deserve one and if I don't freaking get one, someone is going to die. Sociology - no clue. Whitworth is cool though, so probably an A. Statistics - 95.56%. Need I say more? So many A's. I'm pathetic. Now, the fun part is going to be watching them drop like -e^x !!

This weekend is going to be super busy. Saturday I have to take the ACT and then go to Jazz Band Festival at the Florida State Fair Grounds. That means I'm missing my softball game and our youth choir performance at the Valentine's Day luncheon. Sunday, youth choir is performing during church and then after church the FHPC Singers are performing at University Village.

Time is really starting to fly. I can't believe it's February already! My calendar still says June. One whole month left of being 17. I hope I enjoy it. Welp, I need a nap.

Today during 5th period, Amanda Anair got her car stolen. That sucks. I guess that will teacher her to leave her keys in the car. Traffic has been really bad lately. I've been late for school everday for the last couple of weeks. Mere says she needs to go early tomorrow, but I don't think that will be happening.

The ACT is going to be super homo. I'm not allowed to use my TI-89. How gay is that? So I asked Mrs. Curtis if I could borrow one. You think I would learn NOT to ask the lady whose favorite word is no, but I never learn. So when my efforts to annoy her failed I did the one thing I swore I wouldn't. I asked Mrs. Brand. Amazingly enough she was more than happy to lend me hers and even gave me brand new batteries! She even spared me the lecture that Curtis gave me about signing papers and paying a fee. Wow. Mrs. Brand is really cool outside of the classroom. I think that might have just coerced some people into in attempt to try to stab me through the computer (you know who you are... :-b ). Then Brand explained some of the homework to me so that was cool too. I guess Curtis is forever doomed to be a cranky "no" person who hates me.

Dad's on a business trip for a couple of days so tonight is Girls' Nite Out! Yay! At least something good is going to happen to me today. (Minus my calc grade because the three worksheets for homework totally cancel out that good thing). Time to go take me a nap...


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