Darn Those USF Parking Nazi's!
Oh em effin' gee. Today marks the day of my fourth parking ticket at the loverly Universidad de South/Midwestern Florida. Yes folks, my fourth. I racked up my first three before I was even a student. Long story. Don't ask.Anyways, it's only a warning, which is good. I've only paid one so far. The other two were warnings as well. I wonder if this goes on the famed "permanent record". (You know, the one they always referred to in high school....) Ha! "Ma'am you have a lengthy police record with 4 parking violations. We're gonna need to you to come with us until you can learn how to park."
Well this really made my day. With 40k students and who knows how many staff and visitors, how can they possibly check every car? I don't get it. It's things like these that stregthen my belief in Big Brother.
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