February 02, 2006

Silly Groundhog

So I've come to the conclusion that my posts have been rather long lately and it is very uncalled for. I say this because even I feel too lazy to go back over and reread them. I know this is a tad late for a new years resolution, so how about a new month resolution? I solemnly swear to write more posts this month and keep them to a minimum length.

That being said I will continue with what is already becoming a novel of a post because I haven't even really said anything. Rambling really is my specialty.

I really like snail mail. I feel so happy inside when a letter has my name on it. Except that it's usually a credit card statement or application thing. But the other day I received a very special letter that totally made my decade! And you know who you are! ;)

Today on the other hand sucked. Stressful. I need to unwind. I've been slacking lately and then I totally flipped yesterday and today when I took my tests. After 1:50pm tomorrow I am home free! Ahh the weekend!

Good news ladies and gents! Mr. Craigerz has allowed me to use his webspace once again. Hopefully he will not delete it again. At least I have something to look forward to and bury myself in. I give you "linkage" at a later date. When I actually do something with it.

Thinking about going to the Gaither talent show tomorrow. Anywayz, happy groundhog day!! (So does this post count as short? Cuz I could go back and take some stuff out. Ok ok ok, I know I'm rambling again...)


At 2/03/2006 6:41 AM, Blogger Dream said...


At 2/04/2006 5:11 AM, Blogger Aleia said...

Posh! I say your posts aren't long enough! Don't give in to the complaints and opinions of the succinct! Ramble to your hearts content, I say.
On a random note/Tidbit: I wonder why the narrating voice in my head has a british accent? o_o; Ttyl Homie G.


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