November 13, 2005

Rant on Why I'm a Loser

I suffer from extreme indecisiveness. Except when it comes to respecting myself. I chose to live moderately and some might even say I'm fairly straight edge. It's a choice I make and I hope my real friends will accept that. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only non-drinking, non-smoking, virgin in college. Whatever though. I'm proud of who I am. I'm strong enough to be my own person and smart enough to make good decisions. I'm not superior to anyone. Why take a chance by smoking, drinking, or having sex and end up messing up my life? I really don't get it. If you want to be a rebel, why not join the peace corps or riot against the War in Iraq. I'm so confused by today's standards that I can't tell if I'm normal or weird. Though my guess would be weird.

So many people out there are unhappy. It makes me sad. On the contrary, I like my life. I've watched waaay too many close friends make bad choices and then I watched their lives shatter and go down the tubes. Anyone care to realize that I make my decisions because I understand the consequences?

So the real reason I'm writing this is so I can affirm my beliefs and sort out my thoughts. And I just got back from a really lame-O party. Do I really need to drink to be cool? Does my sister and all her little friends really need to bug me about whether or not I drank at the party?

Well if morals don't count anymore and no one cares if I want to respect my body then here's some other crappy reasons why I don't drink. 1) I had to drive myself home. 2) I puked my brains out last night and I still feel horrible. 3) I'm on all sorts of allergy and asthma medications not to mention the stuff I took because I was so sick last night. 4) It doesn't appeal to me. 5) I have nothing to prove. 6) I need all the brain cells I can get for my next engineering calculus 3 test next week. 7) I'm only a freshman. Give me a few more parties to break.

This is driving me nuts. I'm such a defensive person. I hate being like that. I really do feel strongly about not drinking though. I'm sure my thoughts and beliefs will change with time though. I know I'm gonna regret this post and have to delete it.

But for now it's "sXe". I'm not gonna drink because my friends are doing it. That's the dumbest reason I've ever heard. I'm not gonna drink to lose my inhibitions. I can do that on my own thank you very much. I'm not gonna drink to get a buzz or get tipsy. Why the hell would I want that? The only thing in my life that makes me sad is that my college friends' lives revolve around drinking. Oh and when squirrels get run over.

Anywho, this is the gayest post I've ever written. I'm sure some people reading this will be like "Marcy you really need a drink." Others perhaps "Give it up already kid. You're in college!" Some "Alcohol is your friend." And still others "Marcy this is a bunch of bullcrap. Let's go get crunk." All I have to say to that is "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MOFOS! And have a nice day."


At 12/06/2005 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marcy, I just wanted to let you know how much I respect you for holding true to your beliefs, which is something a lot of people (raises hand) are not capable of. Alcohol is truly not the wonderous experience I take it out to be. You may now proceed in your awesomeness....

At 1/26/2006 10:03 PM, Blogger Aleia said...

Guess what! You aren't the only non-drinking non-smoking virgin in college, bud! I'm right there with you. Sure, I've tasted some beer a few times, and found its really gross anyway so thats one more reason not to do it...same with smoking. I totally know how you feel. Yay for our "sXe"ness, I say. We should make a cool club and be president and vice prez. Or not. Just rambling.

Your Stalker


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