May 24, 2005

The Graduate... Darn that perverted movie!

Well, it's finally come and gone. I'm officially a graduate of Gaither High School. It took long enough. Now what? Uh.... So I haven't posted in a couple of eons. A ton of crap has happened since my last post which is dimly surprising considering how dull my life has been up to this point.

So last weekend was Cedarkirk. Good and bad at the same time. Not sure whether or not I'm all that thrilled about Montreat. Silly church camps. I really do enjoy them. I just don't care much for my youth group because they don't care too much for me. That's life. Enough of this nonsense. Let's move on.

I really don't feel like reminiscing over my high school career yet. It's too soon. Later on perhaps. I did have a blast on senior day! The teachers and faculty put on a really really really amazing show that I would pay to see again! That rocked! The outside part sucked because it was hot and there was nothing to do but sweat. Afterwards I took Dreamy home and watched Incredibles with her and then went to hang out at Vicki's. How I will miss you MTV. She says I can come over in the future but I don't know....

I will recall a few important recent events just for the heck of it.....

My senior prom was a blast! I went with my boyfriend Chris and we really had a good time. It felt weird dancing like a white person when all the other white peoples where booty dancing and whatnot. It was fun watching the breakdancers and eating from the almighty chocolate fountain!

Grad Bash with Teagen! Woot! That was a lot of fun even if Teagen was sick. We went on so many rides because the lines were short and best of all I got to see one of my all time favorite bands: RUFIO!!!! AHHH!! IT ROCKED! I called Mere and let her listen on the cell. That night was a lot of kick booty fun (minus the flat tire part...)!

Moving away from the funness is something disturbing... Very... To me at least... Statistics.. hmmm... Perhaps we won't go there. Let's just say Mrs. Brand hates me now and she thinks I'm a cheater. Whatever lady. I do not cheat. I didn't even say goodbye or let her sign my yearbook. Today she smiled at me at Graduation. Out of the kindness of my own heart I smiled back. I'm easy I know. But I do miss you calculus...

Well summer is here and I plan on enjoying it. I'm thinking about a job but I'm in no rush. I feel pretty set on my college expenses. I'm taking the cheap route. Going to a college that is paying me to attend, living at home (free room and food), and I think I might be able to get a discount on books because my dad works there. Most of my classmates are going off to UF. Why? Because all their other friends are. Like that's a good reason. It's a good school but it really pisses me off how everyone makes it out to be superior to all other schools. Bullcrap. People make it sound like its hard to get into and its got the best blah blah blah in the world and yada yada yada... What else is new?

Ok so now I'm listening to that Vitamin C song Graduation (Friends Forever). Aww... This song has always made me cry. So far I haven't cried. Dream asked me if I did. Will the tears come? We shall see. I guess there isn't all that much to miss. I don't exactly have that many friends that I will miss. I mean of course there are people who have touched my life that I won't be seeing all that much in the future. But I think I'm ok with that. Strange huh? Perhaps I'm just looking forward to leaving the crap, cliques, stereotypes, and prejudices of high school. Perhaps I'm waiting for new people to come into my life. Jimminie Crickets it's hot in here! Sorry off topic. So high school. Blah. It was fun at times. So many memories. RIP. lol. This is just plain weird. I feel bad for Tina Groves. I was just thinking about the other day when we swore that we would swap yearbooks on senior day but I didn't see her... and today they called her name and she didn't walk across the stage. Don't worry she didn't die. She's at a band thing. Carnegie Hall or something special. Lucky. I remember the times I spent hanging out with her singing All Star and Greenday and playing table football at Dennys with her parents. This is making me think of all my other best friends. Mikayla, Rachel, Amanda, Julie, Lucia, Katie Redhead, Kyla, Christine, Dream, and the list goes on. Those friends and the many others I didn't type will always be in my heart and will never be forgotten if I can help it.

When I got my diploma today this girl tapped my shoulder and was like "Marcy Gordon?!?!?!" I was like "Hey... ummm... who are you?" It was strange. Turned out to be a good friend from Lake Mag. Gosh it's hard to remember that far back. Julie Boyle. I think I remember her. She was like "I just wanted to stare at you and freak you a bit. I'm sorry but I have the memory of an elephant." It was cool. She seemed really nice. I guess I really knew how to pick friends back then. Jennifer Sharp, Ashley Arias, Jennifer Rodriguez, Christina Chin, Sarah somethingorother, Julie Vaughn, Amanda, Blake Singletary, Mikayla Kustin, wow I can't remember that much. I'm so friggen old. Geeze! These people will probably do a google search for their names and find this psycho freaky post and be like wow that girl is a freak.

So the other cool thing about graduation is really cool. I received my real diploma right in front of a huge picture of Amy Grant. She had signed it "Thanks for a great night! Amy Grant"!! How appropriate! If you don't know, my sister and I grew up listening to her because my mom loves her. She used to sing pop but mostly Christian nowadays. We always listen to her at Christmas time. It's tradition. How appropriate that two things I love most in life music and God were right there while I passed a major milestone in my life so far? Like I said, it was cool.

I didn't plan on writing this much. My bad. It's so freaking hot in here. I think I'm gonna go now. Will I continue to post in the future? idunno.

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, come whatever
We will still be, friends forever

*sheds a tear or two for all that has, is, and will be*


At 5/26/2005 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I still don't believe it's over. Is that sad or what?

Btw, you forgot to post about Opus. :-P

At 5/26/2005 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last comment was by me, btw.


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