February 26, 2004

busy shimizy

wow what a busy day i had! after school i went home to drop mere off and then i had to come right back to wait in the traffic to get to band at 4. right after that i had to rush home and change for softball. i was about 45 mins late. lol. we lost our game anyway. make it, both our games. my team... is... not the greatest.

today i went to the special olympics assembly. it was very moving. i cry a lot in movies, but i didn't let the tears roll this time. almost did though.. came pretty close. but i didn't want anyone to think i should be up there. lol JK. heh.

my brand-spankin-new-marcy-made-word-of-the-day is..... llamasexual - a freak of nature attracted to llamas of the same and opposite sex.

joke of the day (before today) on same sex marriages: "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" -Erin Kirby

dream and i had an interesting convo today on if we can use curse words in our engilsh homework:
DreamboatSupreme: Can we put curse words in the Catcher conversations?
Marchica03: dream!? what a question
Marchica03: i'll let you be the judge of that you dumbbunny
Marchica03: *dumb@$$
Marchica03: you still love me??
DreamboatSupreme: Yeah.
DreamboatSupreme: Seriously.
[you know dream wants me]
Marchica03: i think written cuss words could be held against you in a court of law.. or a parent-teacher conference
DreamboatSupreme: Darn.
DreamboatSupreme: I already wrote a lot.
Marchica03: darn?
Marchica03: how weak!
DreamboatSupreme: How can you carry out a convo in CITR without a curse word?
DreamboatSupreme: Seriously!
[then i asked if she'd say something funny so i could quote her]
DreamboatSupreme: I can't just come up with random funny comments.
Marchica03: ahhh but see you are dream, almighty curser
[this convo has been edited to protect the retards, uh conversationalists identities. i do plan on using dream's last comment against her in a court of law, aka school setting. lol]

anyways i love dream! thats what i wrote on the band room chalkboard next to nanana. i've never written on the board before. it was scary. i still haven't progressed to using the chalk yet but i'll get there. eventually. now i need to concentrate on the special olympics. no i am not an athlete. lol! i swear! i get to work in the tent. that implies shady, so i'm excited! woo hoo! no shutz and shade and hotdogs all in one day!!

i think i might go to Dracula tomorrow after i fix my grandma's computer. i hope its scary! (<-- the play not my grandma lol)

well i'm gone like butter on waffles.


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