February 13, 2004

another crazy friday

today sure was fun! TGIF!

we read our sonnets in english which was great fun despite my sonnets sucking. this was definitely the highlight of my day as we munched on junk food and candy. craig sniffen wins the award for greatest sonnet which is dedicated to his valentine, Mr. Schutz. craig cut out hearts and glued them to a pi, which was very appropriate. oh man this is great! read it:

"Sonnet 3.14159265358 by Craig Sniffen

This man is the exponent to my log.
Michael Schutz, in the wind I hear his name.
His cheerful face brings lights to the fog.
With no other man I have felt the same

His conic sections are the bees knees.
He swooned me with the words that he wrote.
When he is near, my heart he frees.
With great lust, I want his sweet asymptote.

The time is timeless, I want more.
I want to see his major axis.
Yet, different age of root one-forty-four.
Our love would be scorned by the masses.

With his hair side-combed and his khaki slacks,
When it comes to great men, he leads the packs. "

pardo deemed it unappropriate so he didn't read it all, but andrew recorded it and we should be able to watch it soon.

too bad i cant go to the talentshow. i have to go practice my solo with my pianist and then i'm off to babysit some kids. joy... lol they're cute.

slash, dash, and i'm out.


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