ahh feels like monday, but alas, its not! tis sorrow that pains my heart.thank the Lord today went by fast. and not so bad. i'm pretty tired. tomorrow is gonna be a big day for me though...
lets see.... well after school i usually would have jazz band, but they cancelled it, so i'll have brass choir instead. and then at church i have to play guitar for the youth ensemble and then bass for the adults. and then i get to go rehearse my solo with my pianist. thats a lot of music rehearsals for one day!!
i'm a little nervous about my solo because i haven't really practiced it too well. but i have faith that it will all come out okay in the end. and if it doesn't then life will still go on (and i will eventually marry a hot celebrity hunk!) i hope thats your philosophy too, minus the hunk part.
but even so, i really do like saying: doink. boink. donk. bong. yes, i am bonkers. hehe funny to say that too.
later bros or whoever-you-are-so-i-don't-come-off-as-offensive. :-b (that was a joke mere. i luv u and yes, you can take the credit for doink... alllllllrighty then?!)
peace out people
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