October 25, 2005


Ok so I just posted my last entry and I got a comment and I was so happy! WOOO! Until I read it.

Dang comment was from a spammer. I deleted it but here's what it said:

" Hello there, I was recently doing a search through blogs for the keyphrase ".....". I happened to come across yours even though it wasn't particularly related to what I searched for. I figured I wouldn't mind contributing to your blog by commenting it. I've been quite busy to work on my blog lately but I am interested in topics being generally related to what I search for. I know you may not think this is an appropriate post to your blog, however I would just like to compliment you on your blog and I wish you well in future endeavors with it,



p.s. I like to take a look at other blogs to get some ideas as to how I am going to form mine."

**And where the "..." is was originally some geigh keywords that are linked to his website.

HA! Lmfao...Thank you, thank you; I know my blog is awesome. And I'm sure I'll have many more "future endeavors" with it.

I came sooo close to clicking his link - and then I realized - THIS GUY IS KISSING MY A$S JUST TO GET ME TO CLICK ON IT! I so totally wanted to check out his so called blog and see if mine really was better than his, which I'm sure is the case. But I highly doubt he even has a blog since he's too busy spamming to make money. I will give him credit though; it's quite clever and I almost fell for it.

OMFG! I haven't even finished typing this stupid post and in my inbox ----- ANOTHER FREAKING SPAM COMMENT WITH THE SAME TECHNIQUE!

"Very interesting and attention getting blog, could I tell a friend? I really enjoy this stuff, mind if I come often? Anyway, thanks for making such a great blog, I'll be back to make a contribution.
I have a rashguards site with rashguards information.
Come find my blog if you want to have some fun!

~ bye
keep up the good work!"

**This time there was a link to "rashgaurds".

NO! You cannot tell a friend! Shhh! It's a secret! I post it on the internet so my crush will never find out! Don't ever come back again! I swear to God if my counter goes up one more notch I'm going to hunt you down and murder you in the goshdarn shower!

Geez Louise! This is shameless advertisement. Oh so clever. I swear if I get one more either A) I'm turning off my comments or B) I'm never using Blogger again. I haven't decided, but probably A. Or at least turning off the anonymous comments.

Hang on. I just wanna check my inbox one last time just to make sure no more bozos freaking spam me again! Whew! Coast is clear for now.

Darn Those USF Parking Nazi's!

Oh em effin' gee. Today marks the day of my fourth parking ticket at the loverly Universidad de South/Midwestern Florida. Yes folks, my fourth. I racked up my first three before I was even a student. Long story. Don't ask.

Anyways, it's only a warning, which is good. I've only paid one so far. The other two were warnings as well. I wonder if this goes on the famed "permanent record". (You know, the one they always referred to in high school....) Ha! "Ma'am you have a lengthy police record with 4 parking violations. We're gonna need to you to come with us until you can learn how to park."

Well this really made my day. With 40k students and who knows how many staff and visitors, how can they possibly check every car? I don't get it. It's things like these that stregthen my belief in Big Brother.

October 24, 2005

Hurricane Day '05

Finally we get a day off from school for a hurricane! Wilma - wow it took 'em long enough. They're starting with the Greek alphabet now that they ran out of letters. I find it hard to believe that we got to W without any of them coming close to us. Last year we had Charlie, Frances, Ivan, and all those other ones near the beginning of the alphabet. Well considering it's late October, I sincerely doubt we will be getting any more hurricane days during my freshman year of college. Oh well.

So USF closed as well as most school districts in the area. My UF buds have to go to school - HA! Take that!

I've been super sick the last couple days. I think Emily gave me her sickness. :-(