September 02, 2004

yay for 4 day weekends!!

ooooh snap! thanks to frances we don't have to march our first game or go to school tomorrow!!! it is around this point where hypothetically i would in my live journal or xanga crap, i would put in the mood box the following: "exuberantly, joyously, extremely, thrilling happy".

sometimes life works out just the way its supposed to. and other times, things just suck. today is kinda half and half.... we still have band practice and another chain of events although minor were still sucky, aka lunch sucks.

anyways i havent written in this thing for awhile and while my relationship is not faithful, i haven't been cheating on you. at least i think. well maybe...

so i'm working on designing the band website right now. i'm not the greatest when it comes to photoshop, but i guess you could say i have nothing better to do with my free time. (except guitar and homework) wait i just said homework? what homework? oh that. yeah maybe i should start doing some of that whatever-you-call-it-waste-of-immense-time.

on a lighter note, i'm starting to resent accepting the challenge of BC calc. i think i just might start getting in waaay over my head. oh wait, that happened on the first day of school. my bad.

so to all of you out there who may never read this, i am sincerely sorry for the trauma frances is about to cause you, but i'm really going to enjoy it. (fyi: "it" being no school, not your trauma.)

well i'm out like the governor of new jersey except i'm not a gay governor.


At 9/03/2004 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, I love Mr. Giberson.



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