September 12, 2006

The Clouds Will Part and A Friend Will Smile Down

Me: Why do you ask?
NutShell: Just wondering.
Me: Yeah apparently we are just friends.
NutShell: :(
Me: ??
Me: Frowny face?
NutShell: Well, idk how you felt about him.
Me: Hmm?
NutShell: idk
NutShell: nvm
Me: Of course I like him.
Me: Silly silly silly...
NutShell: Then that's why the frowny face.
Me: :(
Me: Awww now I've come down with a case of the frowny faces too.
NutShell: Sorry for being the cause of it.
Me: It's just so contagious!
Me: We must kill the virus!
NutShell: :)
NutShell: :)
NutShell: We must kill it with smileys!!!
Me: :)
Me: That felt good.

And I'll sit and wonder
Of every love that could've been
If I'd only thought of something charming to say.

I've got a hunger twisting my stomach into knots.

(Eh it came on repeat and the conversation was too cute to not post.)

September 02, 2006

The Meanness Pulses Through My Cold Heart

Attention earthlings! I've just been informed: I am the meanest sister in the world. Apparently because I won't let my sister trade cell phones with me at 1:30 am so she can check her text messages because she did something to her phone. @_@ Who was that nice sister yesterday that spent an hour teaching her younger sister calculus shortcuts? Iono. {Insert sarcastic face here}

So yesterday it was raining and I wore flipflops. Quite a deadly combination. I started hydroplaning and ended up on my knees. Pants = muddyish. Very embarrassing. Why is it so hard to fall? Why is it so hard to laugh while you're falling? I mean those literally and nonliterally.

Physics 2 is really worrying me. I think I might actually need to study it. So the other day we were informed that sound doesn't travel in vacuums, except it was taught in much more complex terminology and with a thick Asian accent.
Me: Mental note - next time I kill someone, suck all the air out of the room first.
Yanay: Then you'll die too though.
Me: Oh. Hmm. Well I'll have to rethink that plan...

Saw "Accepted" with Vickie today! Pretty good movie. It certainly had its funny moments. Justin Long will always be my favorite underdog. Can you imagine if he played Napoleon Dynamite? Ohh that's a weird thought.

Mere just came in here and yelled at me again. WHY AM I BEING SO MEAN? Uh I don't think I am. If someone asks for a favor and you don't help them out, is it mean? I mean it's called "asking a favor" with asking involved which implies a no answer is allowable. America, I need to know, am I being "mean"? Text your vote to - yeah ok I'll stop watching tv for awhile.