July 22, 2006


Today Mere and I cleaned our rooms. Mere's closet collapsed so she had a lot to work on. Haha! The whole time I've been listening to my new loves: M83, Iron & Wine, Broken Social Scene, and Mogwai. Really good stuff. I think I'm turning indie. There just comes a point where the shaggy hair cuts, high screeching about lost loves, tight jeans, and power chords just don't cut it. I need something different. I think I may have found it.

So anyway Mere has a lot of old clothes from my mom and other family members in her closet. She found the wicked ugly black top with two billion sparkles on it. It's absolutely hideous. She put it on with a silver belt, jean skirt, and her drum major boots and looked ridiculous as she pranced around the house.

We order a pizza and she offers to pick it up wearing her new outfit if Mom will bet her money. Mom said she'd give her $15. I said, "Mom are you really giving her 15 bucks for to wear that?" Mom: "No, it's for the pizza!" Mere grabbed the money and ran. I wish I had a picture! So ridiculous!! I feel so bad for the Pizza Hut employees!